The Paramahamsa complete series
▸ Available format: mp3 direct download.
▸ Single MP3’s are all downloadable at $19.10/class.
▸ When you purchase the whole series at once on MP3 you save, paying just $10.60 for each class.
The Paramahamsa includes the following classes:
01—Ambassadors of the Transcendental
02—Restoring Memory Through Saraswati
03—Brahma the Creator – Guru and Source of the Vedas
04—Longing & Belonging with the Transcendental
05—Nama and Rupa – Seeing and Hearing the Transcendental
06—Matter is the Dictionary of Spirit
▸ Available format: mp3 direct download.
▸ Single MP3’s are all downloadable at $19.10/class.
▸ When you purchase the whole series at once on MP3 you save, paying just $10.60 for each class.
The Paramahamsa includes the following classes:
01—Ambassadors of the Transcendental
02—Restoring Memory Through Saraswati
03—Brahma the Creator – Guru and Source of the Vedas
04—Longing & Belonging with the Transcendental
05—Nama and Rupa – Seeing and Hearing the Transcendental
06—Matter is the Dictionary of Spirit