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About Jeffrey Armstrong
ICCR Distinguished Indologist 2021 | CHCC Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 | Best-selling author, linguist, philosopher, poet and a Vedic Astrologer for over 45 years.
Founder of VASA Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts, co-chairman of VFA (Vedic Friends Association) and a scholar on the British Board of Dharmic Scholars.
Jeffrey has a unique gift to speak the ancient Vedic/Yogic knowledge in a dynamic and transformative language that inspires audiences of all ages. Featured in the CBC documentary Planet Yoga and the award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power, two features for Mind Valley, and host of the show “Vedic Vidya” on Citti Media.
He has degrees in Psychology, History & Comparative Religion, and Literature. He had a successful career as an executive in Silicon Valley, and was a motivational speaker to Fortune 500 companies for 10 years in the tech industry.
Though born a Westerner he has dedicated most of his adult life to learning about, practicing, and teaching Vedic wisdom. At age 50, he left the corporate world and took a vow to only teach the Vedic knowledge as his dedication for the rest of his life. For the last 27 years, he has taught in the West and also worked with prominent Indian organizations to help with the revival of the Sanatan Dharma culture. He speaks at Hindu youth camps, universities, and civic centers throughout India, the Americas, and Europe and has a growing online presence.
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Watch Jeffrey Armstrong On YouTube
Jeffrey clearly explains many subjects from the Vedic and Yogic paths of knowledge and you can also hear many of the interviews he has given.
While you will learn a lot from these videos we still suggest you go deeper into the courses offered on this site – where he has more time to develop the subject.
Past Speaking Appearances
Special Events
- House of Commons UK w Subramanian Swamy 2019
- Dharma Rising Speaker Series - UK 2019
- Dharmasooya Mahayaga Kerala India 2014. (Audience 1M)
- Seed Event with Deepak Chopra Vancouver 2013 (Audience 3,000)
- 150 Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanada Chicago 2013. ( Audience 3,000)
Business Clubs, Institutes and Corporations
- CHCC - 8 Part Series on Dharmocracy for the Canadian Hindu Chamber of Commerce 2022
- Taj Krishna Hotel, Hyderabad, Executive Business Club, "Traditional at Heart – Modern in Outlook"
- The Terminal City Club: one of Canada’s most distinguished private clubs
- Camlin Ltd, Mumbai, "New Spirit of Management Practices in Western Corporations & Its Relevance to India."
- Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidyavihar, Mumbai
- The Nehru Center, Cultural Wing of the High Commission of India, London, UK
- Rotary Clubs, Vancouver, BC
- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
- MET Institute of Management, Mumbai
- Jawaharlal Nehru University: 22nd Int'l Congress of Vedanta Dec 2015
- Dharmasooya Mahayaga 2014, India (Audience 1 million)
- Vishwa Sangh Shibir 2015 (Indore, Madhya Pradesh India)
- World Sanskrita Day, Surrey BC 2014 & 2015
- The Seed Event Vancouver Oct 2012 Deepak Chopra & guests
- NAMA – N. American Ayurvedic Medical Conferences
- Ayurvedic Institute of Europe
- Third Annual Human Empowerment Conference, Houston, Texas
- “Forbidden Archeology/Reexamining Our Origins with Michael Cremo, Miceal Ledwith, Jeffrey Armstrong", Richmond BC
- Human Empowerment Conference, Dallas, TX, "The Future Direction of Hindu Dharma," Session Chair on Media & Communication
- Human Empowerment Conference Los Angeles, CA
- Vishwa Sangh Shibir 2006 (Ahmedabad, Gujarat India)
- Hindu Collective Initiative of North America Conference, Orlando, FL "Strategic Thinking in the Revival of Modern Hindu Dharma," Session Chair on Media & Communication
- Hindu Academic Conference, Birmingham, UK,
- “Global Hinduism in the New Millennium Conference" Sponsored by the VFA Delhi, India
- VASA – Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts Vedic Annual Summer Retreats 2008-2024
WAVES Conference Papers, International Locations
- WAVES 2024: "Reclaiming sanskrit: Why we need to decolonize Sankrit/English to Restore the True Essence of Snatan Dharma"
WAVES 2022: "How The Vedic Renaissance is Re-Orienting the World"
- WAVES 2021: "The Vedantic Discourse and Linguistic Distortions from the English Language"
- WAVES: 2020 ‘Impact of Vedic Wisdom on the World Today’
- WAVES 2018: "The Use of Jyotish and Ayurveda in Vedic Education"
- WAVES: "Vedic Culture – Epic and Pauranic Phase" – July 13-15, 2012, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA
- WAVES: "Varna Jati and Kula – A Conference on India’s Caste System", July 29-31,2011 Piscataway, NJ
- WAVES: "Vedic Knowledge for Civilizational Harmony", August 4-7, 2010, Trinidad, West Indies
- WAVES: "Vedic heritage for Global Welfare of Next Generation", June 27-29, 2008, Orlando, FL
- WAVES: "Vedic Ideas for Global Harmony and Peace in the Modern Context", July 8-10, 2006, University of Houston, Texas
- WAVES: "India’s Intellectual Traditions in Contemporary Global Context”, July 9- 11, 2004, University of MD, Washington, DC
- WAVES: Conference Pondicherry 2003
- WAVES: "India’s Contributions and Influences in the World", University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (MA) July 12-14, 2002
- HUA Hindu University of America: Guest Professor Summer Course on Discover the Contemporary Relevance of Hindu Dharma
- VaYu University, Decolonizing the Bhagavad Gita | Distinguished Speaker Webinar Series
- Jawaharlal Nehru University: 22nd Int’l Congress of Vedanta- West Chester College, Philadelphia
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK "A Comparison of Hinduism with Other World Religions"
- Manchester University, Manchester, UK "Traditional at Heart, Modern in Outlook"
- Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University (RSM), Netherlands
- Loyola University, Chicago, IL "The Universal Significance of Diwali"- Washington University, St. Louis, IL,
- Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay India, "Modern India – Ancient Wisdom"
- Simhagad Technical Education Society, Pune, "World Vedic Heritage"
- Maharashtra Seva Sangh, Mulund, "Why go back to Vedic Roots?"
- Thane, India, "The Use of Jyotisha in the West for Personal Counseling"
- St. Anne's College, Hyderabad- B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune
- M. L. Dahanukar College of Commerce, Mumbai
- Sinhagad Technical Education Society, Mumbai
- K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai
- K. J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti, Peetham, Mumbai University, (Dept. of Sanskrit) "The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita for Modern Lives"
- K.J. Somaiya Polytechnic- K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering
- K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology
- Vedanta Life Institute, Mumbai
- University of Mumbai, Mumbai
- Nerul College of Arts, Mumbai
- Deccan College in Pune 1869
Yoga Ashrams and Conferences
- World Yoga Festival UK 2019 - 2020
- Kashi Yoga Festival India 2020
- Hanuman Festival USA 2020
- International Yoga Day, 2019-2021, Canada, USA, UK, India
- Dharmasooya Mahayaga 2014, Kerala, India (Audience 1 million)
- BaliSpirit Festivals 2013 – 2018
- BhaktiFest & Shakti Fest Festivals 2014 – 2018
- International Yoga Festival Rishikesh, India- Patanjali Yogpeeth Ashram, Haridwar, India. Guest of Ramdev featured in the documentary “Planet Yoga”
- Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India. Guest of H.H. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji featured in the documentary “Planet Yoga”
- Sivanada Yoga Ashram Paradise Island, Bahamas 2012 & 2013, 2014, 2015
- Sivanada Yoga Ashram Grass Valley, CA
- Chinmaya Mission, Thane, "Relevance of the Bhagavad-Gita In the Modern World"
- Ongoing Yoga Centers in Canada, USA, India and Brazil (too many to list)
- Mandir Executive Conference, Edison NJ "Bringing Knowledge of Hindu Dharma to Temples Through World-Class Speakers"
- BAPS: Guest Speaker at Swami Narayan Organizations in Houston, London, Toronto, Chicago, Akshardham, New Delhi.
- Tilak Mandir Vile Parle, "How the Sanatana Dharma of Bharata is Growing in the World"
- ISCKON Temples: Guest speaker London, USA, India
- Balaji Birmingham Temple, Birmingham UK
- Arya Samaj, Houston TX, and The World Conference in Richmond, BC
Youth Conferences
- National Hindu Students Forum Dynamic Spirit Conference, London, UK, "Modern Hindu Dharma & the Return of the Epic Hero," "The Art of Choosing A Marriage Partner," "Environmentalism & Hindu Dharma," "Consumerism & the Modern Hindu Lifestyle"
- Hindu Youth Conference Surrey BC 2019 “Hindu influence across the World
- HSC Youth Conference July 2012 Houston TX
- Hindu Youth Conference 2012 Chicago IL
- Dharma Summit 2005, Rutgers University New Jersey
- The Southeast Regional Hindu Youth Association
- The Northeast Regional Hindu Youth Association, Chicago IL 2004
- The Dharma Conference, New York 2003
- The National Hindu Youth Association
- HSC Camp Raleigh NC, "Hindu Dharma for Future Hindu Leaders"
- HSC Conference New Jersey, "Leadership Goals for the Hindu Students Council”
And many more...
Books By Jeffrey Armstrong

The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive: A Radical Translation | 17th American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist
The Bhagavad Gita is India’s (Bharat) most celebrated and enlightening spiritual text...
Set over 7,500 years ago on the verge of an epic battle, the Gita is a unique and enthralling philosophical conversation between the Supreme Being Shri Krishna and his dear friend, the mighty warrior, Arjuna.
Although there have been hundreds of English translations of the Bhagavad Gita since 1785, poet and scholar Jeffrey Armstrong’s The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive: A Radical Translation is the first version to decolonize the language and bring this monumental text back to its Sanskrit roots and its deep spiritual intent.
Dreaming the Countless Worlds Published by VASA Publishing
*Winner 2024 American Fiction Award for Poetry
In this groundbreaking work, the author weaves together the threads of creation, transcendence, divine presence, and cosmic struggle into a single, cohesive tapestry.
Cover art by Shounak Tewarie

Vedic Astrology Learning Deck
Mandala Publishers. A "must have" learning tool for anyone interested in Vedic astrology and how its applicable in your daily life.
The Vedic Astrology Deck, which organizes this ancient science in an approachable way, helps you develop the ability to identify some of the core components that make up the Vedic astrological system, as well as begin to read your own horoscope and those of others. The deck and accompanying booklet reveal your unique relationship to the planets that influence your personality, mind, and soul and guide you in all matters of life, from career to love to health.
Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar, Ancient Wisdom for a New World: Published by Beyond Words/Simon & Schuster
A best selling book describing the real meaning of Avatar, now in 9 international languages. At the heart of this book are teachings of the Vedas: respect for all life, the concept that we are part of the same Ultimate Being, and where everyone is able to make the journey back home to the Divine.
With the social,economic, environmental, and political unrest in the world today. these lessons from the Avatar are more important that ever.

God/Goddess the Astrologer: Soul, Karma & Reincarnation, How We Continually Create Our Own Destiny
*New Age Book of the Year
God (Goddess) the Astrologer: Soul Karma & Reincarnation, How We Continually Create Our Own Destiny won NEW Age Book of the year when it was published in 2001. Published by Torchlight. The 2nd Edition is published by VASA Publishing
This was the first book to make the links between the Body Types of Ayurveda and one’s Vedic Astrology chart.
KARMA: The Ancient Science of Cause & Effect
Mandala Publishers: In this compelling description of the ancient science of karma, Jeffrey Armstrong reveals the deeper mysteries of the soul, reincarnation, the laws of nature and how cause and effect rule our lives.
These long secret laws of karma, excavated from the Vedic wisdom of India, will inform your actions and encourage your spiritual vision to see how profoundly all that exists is interconnected in a sacred web of life.

The Night We First Met: A Mystical Journey *Finalist Independent Publishers Award for Poetry
Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra) reveals a yogi's intimate relationship with the Divine spoken in the ancient mystical style of Rumi, Tagore, and Mirabai as revealed to him in deep states of meditation.
Audio versions of some of his poetry is available online at Poetry
Other Poetry Books By Jeffrey Armstrong
- Lotus Eyes
- Swan of Endless Love
- This Way Never Lies
- The Mountain Climbed Me Up
- Smile When You've Had Enough
- Black Light of the Goddess
- Visions From the Fire
- Heart of the Night
- Love Letters Series
- Swept Away – A Collection of Meditations on Divine Love
- There is Only One Love