Queen of the Fireflies
Queen of the fireflies, come to me here, Deep in the forest where no one can hear. Ride down the Milky Way sparkling trail, Come to me now in the night without fail, For Venus is rising reborn in the east, The circle is drawn, I prepared You a feast. In a cluster of trees I have made us a bed, A mattress of green, a quilt crimson red. Fly...

I Have Been Growing Wings
Jeffrey Armstrong Poet "Kavindra" I Have Been Growing Wings My atma is awakening from winter,A deep hibernation,Curled in a ball in a cave,Windowless cocoonOf my own creation.I have been growing wings,Breathing very slowly,Just warm enough to live,Heartbeat once an hour,No discernable pulse,I have been waitingDeep inside the Earth,For a moment I could not foresee,When the sun's rays would return.The birds sing me awake.A wind calls my name,Heavy with Your perfume.I...
Salome, Queen of the Veils
Salome, Salome, there are queens who ride, On Arab stallions, white as ocean foam, With spice laden camels across the countryside, Ever in motion, always on the roam. And there are queens, Salome, upon a throne, Pale, determined, full of hidden fire, Spiders on the web of what they own, Black with twisted passion and desire. But, O Salome, only the queens who dance Late at night, on a ship...
Ecstatic, Immortal Hunger
Transcendental paradigms, Mental leaves that fall as rhymes, Images imprinted in matter, A laser light-show of forms that are – Blinking beacons of immortality, In the darkened auditorium of the Uni-versity, Where the students are all looking for a sign, That there really is a trail that leads to the Divine. Motes of light bending slightly, The curves of Isis shining nightly, But too busy looking for a resurrector, The...