The Mysteries of Divine Form

Archanam – the Mysteries of Divine Form “Archetypes are Archives for Artifacts Divine” Kavindra Rishi
The root meaning of the Greek, Latin and English words arch, arc, ark, is the Sanskrit word arch. This arch gives rise to the archa vigraha or Divine Form, otherwise known as the deity form of the Transcendental Being. By adding nam the word becomes Archanam which means to worship the eternal forms of the Parama Purushas or Supreme Persons. In Greek the same word became arkhe which means – a beginning. This gave rise to archeology (original forms), archangel (the angels closest to the throne), archbishop (the priest in charge of worship) archive (the record of the beginning) and arktouros or the Big Dipper (guardian of the beginning of space.) The Latin arcere – means to contain or maintain. The similar Greek term is arkein – to maintain a distance, to keep or ward off. Also an arca is a basket, box, coffer (or coffin) and thus also means a secret and to keep closed. A related word is coerce which means to refrain, exercise which means to drive out and exorcise – meaning to drive away.
Next we look at the images within our mind or ideas from the Greek idein – to see or ideal which is also an archetype, related to the Greek eidos – that which is seen (the form and shape of a figure) cognate with the Greek eidolon – an image in the mind and finally idol – a physical image, which may lead to eidololatreia or the worship of physical objects. This is similar to the word icon which is derived from the Greek eikonand means an example or pattern or to hit upon or to prove right. This is very close to the Latin idem, which means precisely that or the same which becomes iden – to match or make identical which is, of course, the basis of the word identity. The Sanskrit word behind all of these roots is iti, which means, the same as or identical with. In order to be the same as, one must match forms, which are also ideas and are rooted in archetypes. This is related to image and imitate, meaning it recurs or repeats.
Finally, our English word video, is rooted in vide from the Latin videre – to see, go, visit or examine. This acts as the root for the English words vision, visit, vista, visa, visage, evidence, review, wise, clairvoyance, wit, guide and “Archetypes are Archives for Artifacts Divine” vis – à – vis or face to face.
All these words and concepts are rooted in the Sanskrit word Veda, meaning to know or see by means of a large collection of sacred wisdom. This Veda becomes vida and then guida and finally the “guide”. The English word idea then, from the Greek idein is derived from widein and thus originally from Veda. The Vedas are filled with vidya or knowledge that makes things distant things able to be seen. Such a seer is called in Sanskrit, a rishi or one who has seen the Mantas of the Vedas. One who learns such knowledge is called in Sanskrit a jnani, which in Greek became gnosis and in English knowing. In the Bible, to “know” someone is to have direct intimate contact with their person. That jnana or knowing leads to the conclusion of Archanam or “loving devotion” to the Supreme Persons in their deity forms.
Thus, Archanam is the process of establishing a relationship of direct contact with the Persons of the Supreme Being through the idols, icons, images, ideas or achetypes of their original transcendental forms, as reflected into deities made of matter but referring to or making seen the hidden and arcane nature of their Transcendental Persons. These are the cryptic artifacts of spiritual archeology.