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What's Cool About the Vedas

What's Cool About the Vedas

Q. What are the “Vedas” and Vedic values? Jeffrey Armstrong: The word Veda means ‘to see’, and gave us our modern word, video. Its root is ‘vid’, and from that comes, wit, meaning ‘knowledge’ or ‘what we know,’ so Veda, first of all means the knowledge that we need in order to exist and fulfill our purpose for existing. That knowledge is considered to be eternal and to co-exist with...

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Parallel Realities in the Cosmology of India

Parallel Realities in the Cosmology of India

The cosmology of India describes our universe as having fourteen parallel realities on multiple levels, all existing and intersecting within the material realm in which we are currently living. One of those levels is called the Deva realm. The Deva realm is supposedly the home of the beings who actually conduct the laws of nature to which we are subject. This view of Divine helpers is much misunderstood as the...

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Uttarayana - the Northern Gate

Uttarayana - the Northern Gate

Uttarayana-the Northern Gate Today the Northern Gate to the Deva Realm is wide open for the last time until the Winter Solstice. This is the day of peak solar manifestation, when the masculine Divine in His most noble and brilliant form, is shining forth to empower all atmas who are willing to fill their being with sunshine as the direct link to the immortal realms of Brahman. Drink this amrita...

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The 3 Kinds of Karma

The 3 Kinds of Karma

Jyotish, India’s Ancient Science of the Stars Except from “God (Goddess) the Astrologer - Soul Karma and Reincarnation  How We Continually Create Our Own Destiny” Vedic astrology is also called Jyotish, or the Science of Light. Just as astronomy studies the stars and planets through analyzing their light to discover their position and nature, Vedic astrology tries to understand the relationships between cosmic light and the unfolding of cause and...

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